• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

League Two Stockport (2) v Rovers (0)

Match result

  • Stockport

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • Draw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tranmere

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Stockport (2) v Rovers (0)
Posted by Ian
Edgeley Park
Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 03:00 PM
Until: Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 05:00 PM
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1 Oct 2005
Alan King, Barry Dyson
Regardless of my post, I think that those players are not playing to league two standard. And the management has been worse!
I think most of the players are L2 standard and have demonstrated this last season or at their previous club. It’s definitely a case of the whole being less than the sun of the parts.
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29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
After listening to MP’s interview I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of Adkins himself being the permanent manager by then, if he wants it. A bit more water to flow under the bridge before then, mind.
If Adkins is going to be the permanent manager then why nhase he not been appointed him by now, why wait.
1 Oct 2005
Alan King, Barry Dyson
If Adkins is going to be the permanent manager then why not appoint him by now, why wait.
Because it's not clear yet whether he can turn things round. The fans don't know, the Palioses can't be sure and even Nigel must have his doubts. It makes sense to run things until Nigel and Mark are happy that things are moving in the right direction. It would be folly to offer Nigel a long contract if we end up in the NL.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
I can't see them making any changes until after Jan at the earliest. See where we are after any comings and goings and whether our injured players can come back and make a difference. We can't get much worse at the moment so the only was is up! :speechless:
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Because it's not clear yet whether he can turn things round. The fans don't know, the Palioses can't be sure and even Nigel must have his doubts. It makes sense to run things until Nigel and Mark are happy that things are moving in the right direction. It would be folly to offer Nigel a long contract if we end up in the NL.
I think a decision needs to be made now.

Adkins has had ten games in charge with no real improvement, so if we are still unsure whether he is up to it we should bring somebody in who is. The current uncertainty does not help the players.

If we sit on our hands we will be cut adrift by Christmas and the situation will be irrecoverable.
10 Apr 2021
Nobody knows yet if Adkins is going to be the permanent manager, not even Adkins or Palios by the sounds of it, although I expect they’ve discussed that possibility. Adkins himself might not even fancy it - it’d be a big change in commitment and responsibility from what he originally signed up for!

As well as the team’s form, I also think the managerial situation is indelibly linked with potential new investment or owners. Sounds like MP is aiming for that to happen within the next 12 months - and quite possibly sooner than later within that timeframe. So it’s arguable that any permanent appointment now will still effectively only be for the interim, which may or may not favour Adkins but also might well prove an obstacle in attracting suitable external candidates.

So I think MP could give it another 4-6 weeks for further clarity to emerge around all of the above before making a permanent appointment. But letting it go on beyond, say, early December could harm our ability to act decisively in January, even though we’re obviously already doing the groundwork for the window now.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
We can't afford to let things drift until December or later. And even if negotiations regarding a takeover are already in motion - which is pure speculation - I doubt any sale will be helped if the club is still managerless and effectively doomed to relegation by Christmas.


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
I always thought Adkins would be given until the end of October as he’s had plenty of time to show some improvement.
As it is, he hasn’t really. Plus we obviously want someone in before January so they can assess what we need to bring in.
My guess is that Adkins will be given the FGR and Sutton games and if things still don’t improve them we’ll bring someone in during November.

Who knows though and it will depend who is available at that time
10 Apr 2021
We can't afford to let things drift until December or later. And even if negotiations regarding a takeover are already in motion - which is pure speculation - I doubt any sale will be helped if the club is still managerless and effectively doomed to relegation by Christmas.

Of course it’s speculation. But speculation based on what the owner has stated (for those who bother listening to him properly rather than, say, looking for selective quotes to take out of context or lazily dismissing him as spin) rather than, for example, on the say so of some wannabe internet itk.

In the absence of an outstanding external candidate, a few more weeks with an interim manager at this time of year won’t make any difference. Fwiw I expect Adkins will get the gig but, going back to the point I was addressing, there are plenty of plausible and eminently sensible possible reasons why he hasn’t yet got it.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
In the absence of an outstanding external candidate, a few more weeks with an interim manager at this time of year won’t make any difference.
Yes it will.

Defeat in the next two matches and continued poor form until Christmas could see us effectively relegated, regardless of any alleged takeover. Contrary to your comments we all heard Palios say he 'hopes' to sell 'within the next twelve months', which hardly implies a deal is guaranteed to be completed by January.

Irrespective of any assumed takeover, we need the right man in place for the next several months to give us the best chance of survival. On the current evidence, that man probably is not Nigel Adkins.


2 Jun 2018
Adkins is really beginning to grate. For me not sure that performances have improved at all in reality. Yes Saturday was a free hit so to speak but the embarrassment of Challinor treating it as a training game or as he will Worksop next Saturday is galling.
VAR comment post match - idiotic point. Never going to happen so why say it twice and in any event doesn't absolve the defenders of ineptitude. First goal I think Turnbull is playing him on but in any event he is wrong side and not marking his man - it isn't Pike's man. Second the lack of pace of Davies for the second is frightening - he has to turn yes but he has at least 4 or 5 yards on the scorer and gets nowhere near him.
Can't imagine Adkins wants the role permanently and you must think given he is 58 if he genuinely has ambitions to permanently manage again which I doubt he needs to get out soon. His decision making is also suspect to put it mildly. Taylor injured apparently on Saturday but in any event not featuring under Adkins and Apter who looks a class above all the rest to be frank only now got a start finally. Saunders is not good enough. Neither is Jolley and Dennis shouldn't be playing in that role.
I don't think that a takeover is the reason behind the interim role - think more likely MP thought Adkins would be savvy enough to sort it out but is now on a wing and a pair. Other issue is we talk about January but we could be cut adrift by then but even if we are not we face the same issue as we did in the close season when we were clearly trying to get players out but couldn't. Hockenhull, McAlear, Saunders, Jolley, J Norris, M Davies etc. etc. who wants them in the EFL or even NL? None I suspect. With 31 players already and no FA Cup money where is MP finding the cash? Apter will likely also go in January as why leave the lad in a relegation scrap - good enough for L1 or at the very least a side playing decent football at L2.
10 Apr 2021
Yes it will.

Defeat in the next two matches and continued poor form until Christmas could see us effectively relegated, regardless of any alleged takeover.
No it won’t. That hypothetical worst case outcome obviously wouldn’t help, but it still wouldn’t “effectively relegate” us either.

Contrary to your comments we all heard Palios say he 'hopes' to sell 'within the next twelve months', which hardly implies a deal is guaranteed to be completed by January.
Oh here we go again, nobody has suggested or even implied that “a deal is guaranteed to be completed by January”. I’m certainly not expecting that.

You really ought to start focusing more on your own arguments rather than ludicrously misrepresenting what others say in some lame attempt at one upmanship.

Irrespective of any assumed takeover, we need the right man in place for the next several months to give us the best chance of survival. On the current evidence, that man probably is not Nigel Adkins.
He probably wouldn’t be my choice as permanent manager either.

You would hope that's come up in conversation!
As I said, I expect (rather than just hope) it has. But, when it comes to the bleedin obvious, assume nothing! ;)
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Oh here we go again, nobody has suggested or even implied that “a deal is guaranteed to be completed by January”. I’m certainly not expecting that.
Well if a deal is not completed by January there will be no additional funds in place for the January window, and no new management team recruited at the behest of the new owner. So we might as well make decisions now that are in the best interests of the club, including appointing a management team.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
We are already three points adrift from safety and it's not even Xmas yet! Whilst it's not mathematically possible for us to be relegated in Jan, you would need a huge turn around in the second half of the season to stay up! What are the chances of that?

MP seemed quite blasé about it all. I think we are in massive freefall at the moment.
10 Apr 2021
Other issue is we talk about January but we could be cut adrift by then but even if we are not we face the same issue as we did in the close season when we were clearly trying to get players out but couldn't. Hockenhull, McAlear, Saunders, Jolley, J Norris, M Davies etc. etc. who wants them in the EFL or even NL?
It’s a bit different when they’re in the last six months of their contracts. For anyone in that boat, who the club has decided by January is surplus to requirements, it’s often in the players’ own interest to move (even if only on loan) to get some game time (even if it’s a step or two lower) and put themselves in the shop window and give themselves the best chance of earning a contract somewhere in the summer.
2 May 2021
Ged Brennan, Big Steve McNulty,
Mickey Mellon, Johnny King.
So many unanswered questions still.
Does Nigel Adkins want the job, if so, will MP give him the job?
If he doesn't, why isn't he having the conversation?
Are the club even looking?
Are the owners content (can't be happy) with the status quo?
What sort of financial restrictions, are going to impact on transfer window? Or will any new manager be able to have money available? And of course, who picks those going or not?
Is the priority, financial or league status?
And a lot more!
This says how much of a dilemma the club is in.

Even mentioning a takeover, throws a lot of doubt in getting out of the trouble we are in. Is it imminent?
In time for January window? And managerial situation?

Any good news, except it's the cup Saturday, and not the league?
10 Apr 2021
MP seemed quite blasé about it all. I think we are in massive freefall at the moment.
Not sure about blasé but he’s right to keep a calm front. If he was publicly bed-wetting or digging people out it’d be game over already. Even if he were to acknowledge his own failings (e.g. the recruitment model and process) it could be seen by some who we’re relying on to help us in the immediate future as implied criticism of them, so best not go there for now.
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Super White!
21 Sep 2005
I just want to see someone, anyone with passion at the club. Maybe that is just down to the supporters who put their hands in their pockets every week.

I want to see a meltdown!