• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

The Chief has gone :(

3 Apr 2007
Allison has left the club as a result of PJ claiming that we cannot afford 2 coaches. What an absolute joke, if we can't afford two coaches how are we supposed to hire a physio or more importantly compete at league 1 level? League 2 beckons next year.

PJ is slowly killing the club before our eyes - yes he saved the club in the 80's but that was then this is now, we need a new owner ASAFP.

Good luck in the future Chief, it will be much better than Rovers!



8 Sep 2008
Eddy Sonko
What's killing the club is declining attendences. I guess we have to accept that budgets will - and should - be adjusted accordingly. Matchday revenue (including ticket sales) is a bit part of our income and attendences have almost halved since Brian Little was in charge.

However I was very much under the impression that Chief had quite an important role last year. Les is a physio, I don't care what anyone says - he needs to be surrounded by football people. Have a feeling this could prove to be a very bad decision.

Les, given his background, will be cheaper to employ than a typical manager. Considering this, any money 'remaining' from our decision to go down this route should have been set aside to employ people around him who have some idea of what they're doing. I'd rather have Chief as a staff member than an extra player in the squad, for example.


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
Given our lack of striking options - maybe we're gonna sign him as a player instead ?!?

Nothing surprises me these days. I wondered whether its part of PJ being able to give Les a managers wage packet, rather than a physios, and the only way he can do it is to release the Chief


28 Jun 2008
John Aldridge
Its all a little bizzarre, thats nothing new with this club, the sooner PJ leaves the better IMO...


6 Jul 2009
Dave Higgins
bas savage the chief !
parry saying we will cash anybody in january!
its all relagation air head thinking !
thank god i don,t have to go and suffer any longer !
peter johnson you got away with murder last season by the skin of your teeth !
yet you are still in controll !
f--k me


8 Sep 2008
Eddy Sonko
PJ's lack of ambition, bizarre decisions and unwillingness to invest in the club is causing this.

There's no particular reason he should invest aspirationally in the club; much in the same way you wouldn't expect the yanks at Liverpool to be spending money on new signings when they have no interest in the club other than to sell it as quickly as possible.

PJ's decision making can't be excused though - sacking Moore was literally a catastrophe, confounded by the appointment of Barnes, and to a lesser extent, his decision to relinquish Chief of his coaching position could prove to cost us more than we serve to gain. But I don't think you can directly blame him for falling attendences - they fell sharply under the stewardship of Rodgers, too.

Seems an apt moment to say that I think we can all be quite proud that we've stuck it out and continued to support the club whilst others have given up after the going got tough. It would be nice to have our loyalty rewarded in a chairman who actually considers the fans when making decisions. But that's football.


6 Jul 2009
Dave Higgins
PJ was hated at everton !
his desitions last season where appalling !
yet the chief and others got him out of a very big hole indeed!
yet he bites the hands that feed him.
PJ your are a disgrace !!!±
you are a rotten and sore loser .


22 Jul 2006
What's killing the club is declining attendences. I guess we have to accept that budgets will - and should - be adjusted accordingly. Matchday revenue (including ticket sales) is a bit part of our income and attendences have almost halved since Brian Little was in charge.

However I was very much under the impression that Chief had quite an important role last year. Les is a physio, I don't care what anyone says - he needs to be surrounded by football people. Have a feeling this could prove to be a very bad decision.

Les, given his background, will be cheaper to employ than a typical manager. Considering this, any money 'remaining' from our decision to go down this route should have been set aside to employ people around him who have some idea of what they're doing. I'd rather have Chief as a staff member than an extra player in the squad, for example.

Sonk - after having disagreed with you over Mahon last week i'm going to completely agree with everything you have said there! Its spot on. The way I saw it Les, Chief and Shaun each had very separate roles which seemed to dovetail nicely. Without the Chief there appears to be a huge gap. Is this the reason why Les didnt sign his contract straight away at the end of the season?
27 Jul 2009
Sonko - Johnsons stooge is at it again

You want to sell your house, car or whatever.....Do you

A. Spruce it up as attractively as possible, or

B. Run it down into the ground to save a few bob while losing a load on a decent price

Well obviously B. if your Johnson or so Sonko would have us believe.

Come off it, Johnson doesnt care one jot. You still havent twigged that he's just another greedy business man out to rip off all he can as often as he can. And don't give me any of that crap about what he's put in over the years - he's more than had that back in interest etc and still he takes out of the club.

We finished last season with a successful back room team who did it on pennies and peanuts - and their broken up by Johnson - yet they must surely have been amongst the lowest paid if not the lowest in the division!!!!

How base can Johnson get? Please Sonko don't continue to come up with a misled, or is it mischieveious, defence for him.


8 Sep 2008
Eddy Sonko
Can you read? I said sacking Chief could prove to be a big mistake.

As for your other point, it's a shame for all involved that option A costs more money than its worth. Selling a **** car and selling a **** business are two very different propositions.

The way I saw it Les, Chief and Shaun each had very separate roles which seemed to dovetail nicely. Without the Chief there appears to be a huge gap. Is this the reason why Les didnt sign his contract straight away at the end of the season?

Yeah I saw things the same way. I know Les left training to Chief and Garno, and I remember hearing interviews with Gornell and one or two others who quite specifically singled out Chief as having made a difference since coming to the club. It's particulaly annoying when you consider that he probably wasn't asking for a lot of money anyway.
1 Oct 2005
Alan King, Barry Dyson
I'm probably more understanding of Peter Johnson than most people, but even I think letting the Chief go is false economy. It leaves Shaun with no support and no-one to work with or bounce ideas off. I agree it would have been better (and probably cheaper) to cut the playing staff by one than prune the coaching team to the bare bones. Even worse is the likely effect on morale in the team. I just don't understand it. Until now, I've been fairly positive about next season. Now I'm almost dreading it.

It may have been the reason why it has taken so long to resolve the manager's position. And even now, we have no confirmation. If I was Les, I'd think twice about carrying on. He's a hero now, but he's got a real fight on hs hands next season with even fewer resources.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Agree with much of what's been written already. It's hard to assess exactly what Chief's input into the management set-up was, but he gives the impression of being more tactically aware than Shaun and Les. Another factor in our current financial difficulties is that while attendances have bottomed out (we've even had a rise in season ticket sales), we no longer seem capable of producing players of the calibre of Koumas, Ryan Taylor to sell.

Certainly worried about what PJ comes up with next.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Today's events are deeply disturbing and while I agree that Johnson has no obligation to subsidise the club, his present policy of stripping us to the bare bones makes no sense. We are now going to start the season with a physio and a youth coach (no disrespect to them) running affairs, which can only increase the chance of another seson of struggle, falling attendances, possible relegation and still greater losses. Not a recipe for improving the saleability of the club.

Every organisation has a 'critical mass' of experienced people you can't afford to lose without going into freefall and there is a danger of that happening to us now.
27 Jul 2009
Sonko misses the point

In Selling anything the vendor wants as big a price as possible, house, car, football club, spare spy in the camp, stooge, wooden leg - whatever, people still want the best price they can get. Once again you miss the point.
Getting rid of Chief "could " be a mistake you said, again you miss the point!!!

These are symptoms of a badly run business - take money/support out, run it into the ground, asset strip whatever is left - pocket the dosh/land etc and F*** off with all you can get

The points of concern are
Where is the club heading, i.e what is the plan? To strip money out? Seems so
To make life difficult for the club irrespective of what that may lead to? Apparently so

Yet you fail to understand, or seem incapable, or more likely are Johnsons stooge.


6 Jul 2009
Dave Higgins
Today's events are deeply disturbing and while I agree that Johnson has no obligation to subsidise the club, his present policy of stripping us to the bare bones makes no sense. We are now going to start the season with a physio and a youth coach (no disrespect to them) running affairs, which can only increase the chance of another seson of struggle, falling attendances, possible relegation and still greater losses. Not a recipe for improving the saleability of the club.

Every organisation has a 'critical mass' of experienced people you can't afford to lose without going into freefall and there is a danger of that happening to us now.

Critical mass !
thats what PJ thinks is always replaceable
which so far has been, but he replaced critical mass with john barnes and co last year and look what happened !
he will go on doing this because he is finacialy lead not people led


6 Jul 2009
Dave Higgins
5 days to go before pre season training and we have,nt even got a team !
no goal keeper/s
3 Apr 2007
Let's just cut to the chase, LR kept PJ under control when she was Chairman. Since he came back he's made bad decision after bad decision and turned the club from a mid table/edge of play off side into relegation candidates.

You can talk all you like about attendances, but they have always been low. Even during our "glory years" we did not exceed an average attendance of 10,000. Using low attendances to justify PJ and the clubs recent turn of fortunes is acting as a smoke screen for a wider issue - PJ's decision making and attitude.

PJ has the right not to put money in, but he should at least try and keep the club in a respectable state. How does he expect to sell the club if he makes it as unatractive as possible for a potential buyer, it's just baffling.

Ever since he sacked Ronnie Moore it's been one thing after another - sacking Moore, Ebay, Dumb and Dumber, giving Mahon a 3 year contract and Mclaren a 2 year contract, pointless Kit design, not giving Bakayogo a decent deal, not been able to hire a physio whilst Les was manager and now getting rid of a third of our management - it just goes on and on!

Escaping relegation last season was a great achievement, but we should have never been in that situation in the 1st place. PJ needs to put some money into the club in order to preserve our league 1 status and to increase the likelyhood of selling the club, if he doesnt we will get relegated and he wont sell the club.


6 Jul 2009
Dave Higgins
les parry will think he can carry on with one hand tied behind his back!
thats a real issue?