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Swindon 3 Rovers 1

31 Jan 2006
Went to the game also. Totally arse day, as on the way back i broke down on the M4 in the fe*king rain :)

Generally we were poor all over the pitch, Swindle will do well to finish mid table because I believe there are way better sides in our division, which doesn't bode well if we can't get our act together.

Achto was a little 'dodgy' at the back, it has to be said. Personally i thought Chorley had a shocker of a game, constantly forgetting to pick up a player and drifting off into his own little world and appeared to be disinterested.

O'callaghan, I was expecting something amazing, first game of the season, wanting to impress.......but no, he was slow and he too drifted around midfield chasing his own tail or looking into space but not doing anything.

As for Curran, Moore & Baz, they had obviously been told to stay up the park and wait for the ball to come to them. Come to them it did not. They started to drop deeper and deeper to try and find a touch but were always swamped by the Swindle's midfield when they eventually received the ball.

Overall there are a lot of negatives. No passion, no inventiveness, No pace, No flippin idea. The positive can be, that it can only get better, can't it? :cool: