• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.


15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Reported on Facebook that Ronnie and John McMahon have been sacked. Short-sighted and disgusting if true.
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
16 points out of 78. No home wins since March. How much longer should he be given....?
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Well, at least as long as Barnes was (11 games of the new season).

Are we really going to keep sacking managers every 18 months because we find ourselves in a position in the table where the team with the second lowest budget realistically should be ?

I'll wait and see if the rumours are true before I say any more. Could be bobbins.


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
its not just 11 games though, we have been in freefall since February he doesn't seem to know how to change things to turn things around we look certainties for relegation as it stands.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Are we really going to keep sacking managers every 18 months because we find ourselves in a position in the table where the team with the second lowest budget realistically should be ?
Where do you get the information that ours is the second lowest player budget? Who's is the lowest? I'd hazard a guess that we're in the bottom third though that's a gut feeling rather than with any supporting evidence.

I don't accept that budget is the sole determinant of league position; look at where the Blades are now. It's a significant factor, but so is managerial expertise and how that budget is deployed. It's been Ronnie's choice to assemble a squad thin on defenders and totally lacking in a defensive midfielder. His choice also to decide Danny Holmes is so bad, having given him a 2-year deal 6 months ago, to, when he finally does recruit a player who can play defensive midfield, to deploy him as right-back instead.

I'm never the most optimistic of posters on here, but this last month has plumbed depths in terms of results that even I wasn't expecting. On paper, the fixtures for the next month are much tougher. My inclination would to be to wait until the end of October, but if there are no signs of things turning around by then it may be time to say farewell to Ronnie Moore.


4 Feb 2012
I agree with Boz and Bigmart, enough is enough, this just cannot be allowed to continue.

Notwithstanding the debacle that was the second half of last season, there have been a catalogue of errors emanting from the manager this season including his misguided determination to use a significant part of the budget, despite it's limited size, in recruiting forwards (Ryan Lowe and Sodje), when in fact it was the defence which needed strengthening . Add to this his subsequent humiliation of Danny Holmes through publicly stating "one idiot let the whole team down", his failure to ensure the Foster injury was identified PRIOR to his joining the club and the resultant "fiasco" in the changing room after this was confirmed, itself leading to the lengthy "absence" of Robinson. Combined with all of this is, as Boz points out, his insistence in playing players out of position.

I honestly believe that Ronnie has lost the dressing-room and I think that leaving a decision until the end of October will be too late. If we fail to get a win in the next game, at Swindon, then a new man needs to be in place as soon as possible thereafter in order to attempt to turn things round prior to the games against the "table-toppers" we are due to play in October and November.

No one wants to see anyone lose there job but I'm afraid the club's future must come before any individual and the way things are going at the moment, unless something radical is done, relegation, and the disaster that this would be for the club, is a distinct possibilty.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
What you all fail to see is the bigger picture. We reportedly have the second lowest budget in the division; if it is not the second lowest, it is certainly lower than the majority of teams we are competing against. As a result, for four of the last five seasons we have been embroiled in relegation battles. This is the likely scenario in the majority of seasons, whoever is in charge, so why the blind panic and calls for sackings when we find ourselves exactly where we realistically expect to be ? You may have failed to notice that the only two seasons of mid-table respectability we have achieved in that period were under, er.... Ronnie Moore.

The position we are in now is no worse than the situation at a similar stage in two of Parry's three seasons and is better than it was in Barnes's season. Parry kept his job until relegation became a virtual certainty, yet you suggest we should sack a manager with a 15 year CV because we find ourselves in exactly the same position. Where is the consistency ? Parry had no managerial experience, was obvioulsy utterly clueless from the inept, ugly football we served up every week , yet he was kept on. In the 2010-11 season, to his credit, we turned things round. Yet the same outcome is apparently impossible with a more experienced manager with a string of successes he can point to in his career ? Why the knee-jerk reaction ?

The assertion above that we should not have signed Lowe and Sodje is ridiculous. You are seriously suggesting we should go into the seaosn with Akpro and the unproven Stockton as the only available front men ? You can question the individuals that were brought in but clearly a club at this level needs a minimum of three strikers and four is not excessive. Added to which both Lowe and Sodje have decent track records, Lowe an excellent one. You also claim that Ronnie Moore was responsible for the failure to identify the Foster injury. Again, this is ridiculous. Medicals are the responsibility of the club's medical staff, not the manager.

I accept that there are weaknesses in the squad, but you can't assert that the manager chose not to sign a defensive midfielder unless you know this to be the case. How are you so certain that with the wages we offer we could attract a midfielder of sufficient quality ? If you look at our midfield it is obvious that the three youngsters, plus probably Koumas, are being paid buttons, yet you seem to asssume we can take our pick of experienced midfielders at this level. You also fail to cut the manager any slack for the Wallace situation, when at the start of the season even the most pessimistic thought he would be available by now.

Realistically in our current financial state we are going to be involved in relegation battles. To survive in this division we need the guidance of an experienced manager, with a track record of getting teams out of difficult situations. We already have one in charge. Obviously no manager can remain in position irrespective of results and if we are in a similar or worse position in March a change will probably be made. But to sack RM in September, when we have only just dropped into the bottom four, would be insane in my view.

But whatever happens regarding the managerial position, a club that goes into every season with one of the lowest budgets in its division, will eventually be relegated, and the calls which surface among elements of our fans every few months for the manager's dismissal (whether Barnes, Parry or Moore) simply mask the underlying problems at the club, and serve as a get out of jail card for Johnson. If, as is reported, we have a League Two budget, League Two is where we will play our football.

Oh, and I have not even got on to the question of who the f**k would want the job anyway.
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29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
Its not a knee jerk reaction weve been in freefall since February and Ronnie does not know how to turn things around, we have won 4 of the last 26 or so games. We don't look like scoring goals and cant keep a clean sheet which will levae the obvious outcome.

Looking at the run of games we have coming up I really cant see were the next win is coming from. We have 5 home games out of the next 14 and I cant remember out last home win.

How long are you prepared to stick with Ronnie ? if by say November we haven't got any more wins or do you just think he should be allowed to carry on for sometime to come?


30 Jun 2008
The current situation is very concerning. The summer budget decisions are biting us given that we lack at the back and are very dependent on a 40 year old. One wonders whether Foster and Horwood were really the best available? This said we should not lose perspective. Our three most influential midfielders are all injured and we may see a better performance from the front men when they are fit again. We were also very spoilt in the first half of last season by the quality of the loanees we managed to obtain. I am thinking of Gibson, Cassidy and Palmer. The likes of Jones and Atkinson are not at the same level. Therefore, I see little point in giving Ronnie his P45 in the near future. Who is going to do better with no money? This said, one thing I do not like about his style is his willingness to criticise individual players in public. It does nothing for their confidence and smacks of personal defensiveness on his part. Keep in the dressing room or even better your office Ronnie!


8 Apr 2011
Kevin Gray (ha!)
The difference is that PArry was an inexperienced "spongeman"and RM has a "15-year CV"...so if anything that makes it WORSE not better!

No-one whinged about the budget last year when we were top....funnily enough its the usual suspects crying with the "oh but we have the worst budget so that means we must be shit" - NO, the money has been wasted by the manager, who will live or die by his decisions, but publicly slagging the players off like he has this season will not do him any favours.

Who would want the job? Hmmm, must be approx 100 managers at least out of work, at least, so im sure 1 or 2 would take a punt on us...yes, PJ is the elephant in the room, but until he snuffs it, nothing is gonna change cos he wants his money back and he wont get it, esp if we end up in div.2! (Ironically enough, where he picked us up from)
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
How long are you prepared to stick with Ronnie ? if by say November we haven't got any more wins or do you just think he should be allowed to carry on for sometime to come?

I won't answer a hypothetical question, I will respond to the situation as and when it happens.

Given that you suggest elsewhere that the players we have aren't good enough, what exactly do you think changing manager will achieve, as we have no money for replacements ? Do you think it is wise to pay out the management teams' contracts (we have just given them two year deals) rather than using that money for squad strengthening ?

Does it not concern you that if Ronnie goes we will have had three managers in four years ? Do you not believe that the underlying problem is the poor contracts we offer to players (and management) and how would that situation be changed by replacing the manager ?


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
drwhoman, Wallace is still a long way off first team football Robinson is likely to be out for another month or so and lets face it will likely be injured again soon & Koumas due to the length of time out of football clearly will struggle with injuries so if your hoping them 3 will move us up the table then we really are in trouble.


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
what concerns me is the fact that we have been poor & failing to win for a long time and Ronnie seems unable to turn it around.
How do you know that we would have to pay the full contracts up if the management are sacked?

I would expect a new manager to have new and different and fresh ideas to what Ronnie has. There is little point in keeping a manager just for the sake of it.

The situation is happening right now we have been awful since February Ronnie does not know how to change things around that's why we have won 4 games out of 26.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
No-one whinged about the budget last year when we were top....funnily enough its the usual suspects crying with the "oh but we have the worst budget so that means we must be shit" - NO, the money has been wasted by the manager, who will live or die by his decisions

It means that in the majority of seasons we will be in the bottom quarter of the division, regardless of the manager. Our performance in the last four years under three different managers shows this to be the case.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
what concerns me is the fact that we have been poor & failing to win for a long time and Ronnie seems unable to turn it around.
How do you know that we would have to pay the full contracts up if the management are sacked?

I would expect a new manager to have new and different and fresh ideas to what Ronnie has. There is little point in keeping a manager just for the sake of it.

The situation is happening right now we have been awful since February Ronnie does not know how to change things around that's why we have won 4 games out of 26.

My concern is that we are getting on a merry-go-round of sacking managers every few months when they are being asked to perform a next to impossible job. That is no way to run any organisation, and means that there is no long term planning and no stability at the club. A new manager is brought in and gives the club a short-term boost and a superficial uplift in results, and then the fundamental problems return. A contrast to this is the treatment of Russell Slade at Leyton Orient, who have struggled for much of his time in charge (they finished 20th in 2012 and were in the bottom half until after Christmas last season) but are now benefitting from the loyalty they showed to him.

If the club is to be without investment, I would rather Johnson just admitted that we are effectively a League Two club and that relegation is a probability, rather than carrying on as we have in recent years.


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
Just letting bad results and performances happen is also no way to run an organisation either but you want to let it continue, which is what will happen the longer Ronnie stays in charge.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Just letting bad results and performances happen is also no way to run an organisation either but you want to let it continue, which is what will happen the longer Ronnie stays in charge.

Who said I just want to let it continue ? I am just trying to balance the long term interest of the club against some supposed short term 'fix'.


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
it will continue if Ronnie stays in charge, he has shown he cant turn things around.


8 Apr 2011
Kevin Gray (ha!)
well we may as well simply not turn up for the rest of the season the RLC, as its inevitable that we are going to crash and burn under RM yet you think we should just persist with him? It could be too late come March, we arent going to have some sudden revival, the team is unbalanced and there is nothing that can improve it presently, short of managerial change...
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
well we may as well simply not turn up for the rest of the season the RLC, as its inevitable that we are going to crash and burn under RM yet you think we should just persist with him? It could be too late come March, we arent going to have some sudden revival, the team is unbalanced and there is nothing that can improve it presently, short of managerial change...

Nothing is 'inevitable', certainly not in September. As a minimum Moore should be given the same length of time to turn things round as his predecessor: we have been bottom in October under Parry and still survived. How does the fact that Moore is more experienced than Parry make his performance 'worse' than Parry's, as you state in an earlier post ? All managers of the club should be judged by the same standards.