• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

Oldham 0 Tranmere 0

26 Sep 2008
Jimmy Harvey
Firstly can I say how much I hate Oldham, I have never been there when it is either warm or not wet and that car park they constructed out of mud is also a real pet peeve of mine.
Anyway to the game itself. Got to a 3 sided Boundary Park about 7ish and was surprised by the number of Rovers fans knocking about and by the distinct lack of Oldham supporters, went for a brief scout round and after deciding that yes there is absolutely nothing in Oldham decided to make my way to the away entrance. On the way we passed the Tranmere coach with noone left on it except our beloved Lorraine Rogers enjoying a brew.
Got to the away end and had to get scanned by some sort of machine (could have been a scanner:-k) am not sure for what purpose and why the stewards seemed to be doing it randomly but there you go. Paid £20 and made my way in. Already the SWA was in full voice despite a lot of people milling around the forecourt behind the stand. Paid a ridiculous price for a beer and stood watching the crowds steadily build. Around 7:30 I overheard someone say that the away end was nearly full despite there being a lot of people both outside the ground still and many still queing to get a burger.
We decided to make our way into the stand and upon entering was genuinely surprised by the following we had brought. So much so we had to sit on the very front row of the stand. It was at this point that people began pointing out to the stewards that there was nowhere to sit with more supporters making their way in. We had been allocated only one full block of seats with the block closest to the home supporters taped off. By kick off time nobody was able to sit down as people without seats had simply come and stood infront of us still the stewards did nothing to make more seating available, even our plod and the local plod looked bemused.

Still the game started and both sets of fans began hurling as much abuse at each other as was humanly possible, on the pitch it was very scrappy with both teams looking really rusty through lack of games and through lack of opportunities to play on grass. Passes went astray for both sides and it deteriorated into a dogged battle in midfield. Very few chances were created for either side, with a handful of long range efforts from both sides the only real highlights. However I was pleased that we had competed and thought with a little more invention we could walk away with all three points.
Second half however didnt deliver and if anything I felt it was going to be a matter of time before Oldham scored. They began playing the ball round quite well and began taking advantage of how narrow we seemed to be playing. Again passes were getting missed and players control began to let them down, much to the growing annoyance of the travelling support. Curran and Gornell began to look very ineffective as Oldham pressed forward. However Oldham could not continue the pressure and the game seemed to be drifting to a 0-0 scoreline. However a neat bit of play on the right hand side saw a cross hit toward Gornell on the corner of the 6 yard box, the SWA all held their breathe then in unison released it in exasperation as Gornell made a complete hash of it. Oldham themselves had an opportunity with the ball bouncing around dangerously in our penalty area, however some strong last ditch tackles managed to get the danger cleared.
With only seconds to go Rovers surged forward seeking that illusive winning goal however the attack petered out with a weak shot straight at the keeper. The chants of "make a sub" from the travelling fans now rose in loudness as a number of players on the pitch began to looked jaded. Proving a point that although they are physically fit many are not match fit and lack sharpness. (This being due to the weather)
As the referee blew his whistle many of the travelling fans vented their frustrations whilst others clapped the players off. Many supporters left feeling a little deflated at the fact Oldham were a poor side that realistically were there for the taking. Les's tactical prowess was again called into question as was his ability to make substitutions at critical times to change the pattern of a game. And the manager himself cut a rather lonely figure on the touchline with his hands stuffed in his pockets, perhaps now he truely understands how bigger task he is faced with and understands the pressure he has placed on himself with a success or resignation promise? Whatever the answer it would be fair to say Les really didnt seem to know what to do last night so ultimately did nothing, and this time it worked for him.
A draw on reflection was a fair result and I would have taken it before the game, but there certainly seem to be cracks appearing, Curran, ITM and Gornell do not look like they are capable of scoring enough goals to win us games, Les seems unsure of how to change things when his opposing managers do and some of the supporters seem to be losing patience with some of the players and with Les himself.
Myself I put last night down to lack of first team football recently and think we did well to get what we did, however this statement is tempered with the simple fact that if we put in a performance like that at MK Dons we will get murdered.
3 Apr 2007
A pretty dreadful game, both sides seemed to be modelling thier football on Bolton under Allardyce. Rovers had 2 great opportunities to score - Gornell missed from 2 yards out after Logan did well down the right hand side whilst Edds made a hash of a shot when he should have played it left to Thomas-Moore who had the goal at his mercy.

The Rovers defence was fairly solid the only real moment of scare was a frenzied goal line scramble which was eventually cleared away - Bakayogo made a crucial block on the line. Other Oldham chances were mostly from 20 plus yards out as the Rovers midfield 3 made little effort to pick up midfield runners from deep, diving Abbot also nearly took advantage of this in the 1st half.

All in all a very poor game with neither side deserving to win, although it can be said that if Les had the guts to changes things - Oldham were there for the taking.

Player Ratings:

Daniels: 6 Did ok, but didn't communicate with his defence very well and failed to respond to Goodison's calls for him to collect the ball on several occasions.

Logan: 8: Did well at right back and set up Gornell who should have scored.

Taylor 7: Did well at centre back but nearly gifted Oldham a goal from a corner in the 1st half.

Goodison 8: Put in a solid shift at the back and organised the rest of the back 4.

Bakayogo 8:
Played well at left back and made a crucial goal line clearance.

Edds 4:
Failed to close down the Oldham midfield and his passing was abysmal. Too slow to play in a midfield 3.

Mclaren 6:
Did quite well in the 1st half winning a few headers and keeping the ball but faded as the match wore on.

Welsh 5: Ran around a lot but passing was very poor.

Thomas-Moore 5: Put pressure on Oldham but isn't the player he was.

Gornell 5:
Had a few good runs but missed an absolute sitter.

Curran 3: An awful performace from Curran who broke clear of the Oldham defence only to run the ball off the pitch. Failed to cross the ball when he had opportunities to do so. Not good enough. Runs around a lot but does nothing.

Man of the Match: Bakayogo - Could have gone to Goodison or Logan but Bakayogo's goal line clearance means he shades it.
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
Agree with almost all that. Can't be too hard on the team - after 9 defeats in 11 away games the prospect of a point away from home obviously meant that Les wasn't going to change things in the last 20.

Decent first-half, rusty second half. Will be interesting to see if he changes the team for MKDonalds. With the Yeovill game next Tuesday, he'll want yesterday's line-up no doubt for what will be a crucial game. Not sure that 11 are up to playing 3 games in 6 days.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Think it was probably the right decision to settle for a point. Bit surprised about the lack of substitutes, in particular, we don't seem to be getting much out of the midfield (the forwards at least are getting into the right places to fluff their chances).

Was the booing at the end by Rovers fans justified? Seems unusual, as away fans usually seem to get behind the team
22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
I didn't make the game, I too hate Oldham, the ground, the club, their team, but had other commitments last night else I would have gone.

From reading all the reports it sounds like it was one terrible game between two teams who will be very lucky if they remain in the division. We had our chance to go there and beat them to close the gap, with a point we haven't lost but more importantly we've not gained any ground on the teams around us who won.

Those same teams won't have 2 extraordinarily difficult away games in the next week like we do and so are likely to go further ahead. I'd have liked Les to say, what the hell, lets bloody have a go and try and win the game. Oldham were there for the taking.

As it was, a clean sheet is good. Lack of goals scored is a big worry. No injuries picked up is vital. Mixed views on how good a point it is there though.


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
Agree with SCoops - avoiding defeat and a clean sheet away from home is never a bad result. Even against the likes of Oldham who are a poor side admittedly.

I too have concerns about whether Les can cut it tactically, i.e. make match changing subs but as we were not losing, I am not surprised he didnt on this occasion.

The whole issue of scoring goals seems to come up all the time. Does Les think we have enough firepower to keep us up ? He might not do but if he cannot strengthen what can he do ? In my opinion Curran, ITM, Gornell, Bain, Ricketts - none are good enough to score regularly.

I'm not too suprised we have brought McCready in as presumably Les wants Taylor playing in the middle more - but the priority is surely a goalscorer ?
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
Goalscorer is a priority, sure Les knows that - easier said than done. Any striker who can cut it at L1 level is already there, so you're talking about getting either an unproven youngster from a Premier League club, someone who is out-of-favour at a Championship club or taking a punt on someone from league(s) below us. Good, regular goalscorers are not that easy to find....
3 Apr 2007
Was the booing at the end by Rovers fans justified? Seems unusual, as away fans usually seem to get behind the team

I think it was frustration more than anything else although the match was very poor. I think some people misheard the boos from the Oldham end of the stand as been from ours as well.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Reports suggest that Oldham side is the worst for some time, and really we should have been going for the win.

Les annoyed me a bit with the situation with the subs. The crowd were calling for a sub because the game was so poor with little happening, however he said he couldn't take the forwards off because they were all working hard and it may have effected the balance of play. Hmm, they need to be scoring goals and that wasn't going to happen.

I think sometimes we are a little scared to go forward, attack teams. With a little more conviction, that game was there for the taking.

On reflection, a draw and clean sheet is good away from home, but when your struggling for survival, you've got to win games.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Les annoyed me a bit with the situation with the subs. The crowd were calling for a sub because the game was so poor with little happening, however he said he couldn't take the forwards off because they were all working hard and it may have effected the balance of play. Hmm, they need to be scoring goals and that wasn't going to happen.

The other option, if Les was happy with the forwards was to replace one of the 3 defensive midfielders (none who seemed to be playing well) with one of Barnett, Shuker or Mahon