• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

Tranmere 2 Walsall 3


19 Aug 2009
Well there's bound to be an uproar after another defeat. Things looked okay in the first half for a while. Early goal, well taken by Shuker (did little else for the rest of the game), and it was promising as we were clearly playing, in Walsall, a crap team. However Daniels mistake - not knocking him, it happens and he's been good so far) and at half time they were back in it.
Second half started disastrously, 17 year old keeper in goal and Broomes off was bad enouhg but then the usual exhibition of inept defending allowed them to blast in from 6 yards. Collister no chance. Mahon finally did something and equalized but then again all it took was a simple ball done the line, Goodison to totally commit himself and miss and it was 3-2. At that point I think we all knew we were beaten.
Not going to start shouting Barnesy out etc because I'm resisting getting on the inevitable bandwagon, it's still early season (although with each defeat, it's getting harder to try and give him time) and who the hell would come in anyway?

Only positives for me were

Collister did okay, goals were not his fault and made 1 excellent save
With Broomes in defence looked better in the first half
We looked a bit better going forward with Ricketts up there.

BUT - we were playing a poor team, at home, and still lost. I'll eat my hat if we are not relegated.


22 Sep 2005
I'll eat my hat if we are not relegated.

Is it a pork pie hat? :p

"we want barnesy out. I say, we want barnesy out"
"we never wanted him in. I say we never wanted him in"

"all together now....."


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Ageed DIW. Well, at least we scored two goals. The problem is you cannot concede on average three goals a game and have any hope of winning..
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
First look this season of new-look, new-philosophy Rovers.

Oh dear.

Like a disorganised version of Ronnie's teams.

Thought DIW's analysis was spot on. Ricketts may be better than what we had before but that's not saying much.

OIverall I thought it was pretty chaotic, especially in the second half. What would have happened if Collister hadn't pulled off that save to stop it going 3-1 in the 50th minute?

I'm not a bandwagon jumper either, however, I didn't see much to cling onto in the wreckage today. Sad, sad times at Tranmere.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Couldn't, as opposed to wouldn't go today and all I've heard makes grim reading. Any consolations? Were the half-time subs tactical or enforced? Bain any good? See my prediction of a below 5k attendance came to pass.


19 Aug 2009
Couldn't, as opposed to wouldn't go today and all I've heard makes grim reading. Any consolations? Were the half-time subs tactical or enforced? Bain any good? See my prediction of a below 5k attendance came to pass.

I'd love to hear the tactical justification for subbing your keeper for a completely inexperienced 17 yr old rookie! No - Daniels was clearly injured at the end of the first half. Not sure why broomes went off, can only assume it was an injury. Taylor did okay actually - and at least looked like he was up for it.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Thanks for clearing that up. There have been occasions when keepers have been subbed due to performance + you said Daniels to blame for first goal... Seemingly nothing worth saying about Bain?
22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
Full match report now online here: http://whitereview.co.uk/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1252795381&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1&

But in addition to that, here's my post match reaction...

Walsall were a poor side, it was a great chance to boost confidence by SCRAPPING out a win. We scrapped today which was something as we hadn't bothered doing that too often in previous weeks. We looked a bit more determined and a bit of effort went a long way (for me anyway). As it was 3 mistakes cost us 3 goals, end of story.

I have to disagree with the general consensus on Daniels. I'm not all that confident in his abilities. He looks hesitant, he doesn't shout of the defenders in front of him, and has made a couple of obvious mistakes in his first few games so far. Yes he should have turned the ball away from goal for their first, but not a soul thought of chasing Byfield to stop him getting his shot in.

Goodison has been very suspect so far this season. He WAS our defence for the last few seasons but have to say he's nowhere near his best and the third goal where he raced across the field I'm shouting at him "don't dive in and sell yourself", what did he do, flew in and missed the tackle and the lad's through on goal!

Alan Mahon has to go down as most disappointing player of the season. Can't decide if he's lazy or just unfit, but h just looks half interested really. Final straw was when he had all the time in the world to play in Bain (before they countered for the winner) and he delayed and delayed and then gave it away with a piss poor pass.

Final word goes to Bain, as I want to leave on a positive. He looks quick, he looked up for it (which you couldn't say for some of the others), he ran around and had a good first touch, looks strong, quick and direct. Hope we can get the best out of him cos he does look decent from the early glimpses.


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
Our defending was as usual this season totally shambolic we continue to make basic errors and gave a poor walsall team 3 points.
Agreed that the team did battle today but im afraid with the way we concede goals we will be down by february.
Daniels has a cut and broomes was apparently feeling sick.

I thought bain didnt really show up at all he went down far too easy a couple of times and gave the ball away too easily.
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
Broomes was ill and had to be taken off. He had been sick all night but wanted to give it a go. I'd like to see Ash and Broomes in defence, I think Goodison is just too wayward and a useless captain.

As it was my first game this season I can't compare but I didn't find the energy levels that high. Especially after we went 1-0 up, I thought we let the game drift. The midfield 4 have absolutely no engine about them which worries me. Are they fit enough?

As for Bain, look OK in spells but clearly needs time to get used to his new teammates. Has pace, we'll see what else.

The most inspiration seemed to come from our 17-year-old sub keeper. Nuff said!
26 Sep 2008
Jimmy Harvey
am not going to comment on the match as its all been said before. I dont want to sound like barnes press conferences. I didnt like what i saw after the game, there was some sort of disorganised protest that ended in scuffles between supporters and police. But ended with supporters waving their shoes? ? ? ? It was embarrasing and disorganised made me wonder if barnes and jason had organised it themselves?;-)


8 Sep 2008
Eddy Sonko
I have to disagree with the general consensus on Daniels. I'm not all that confident in his abilities. He looks hesitant, he doesn't shout of the defenders in front of him, and has made a couple of obvious mistakes in his first few games so far. Yes he should have turned the ball away from goal for their first, but not a soul thought of chasing Byfield to stop him getting his shot in.

Lord...how many games have you been to this season? He's the solitary reason our goal difference is -12 and not -120! Do you realise how busy he's been week in week out compared to most keepers? Leeds had 26 shots...etc
22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
All the home games. Just putting my opinion across. He has made some good saves don't get me wrong but by far not the finished article. Yes he's been good at times, but other times shaky in my opinion.

If you don't agree that's fine. Thought Joe Collister did well when he came on too. Not sure how serious Daniels' injury is???
3 Apr 2007
Another shambolic performance! Rovers were ok for the 1st 20 minutes with Shuker taking his goal well, but after that we just retreated and it was only a matter of time before Walsall scored. We made a fairly average side look pretty good which shows just how bad Tranmere are at the moment. The only positives for me were Edds and Collister who both played well, the former been my man of the match.

Bain looked lively when he came on despite not getting any service to feed off. Mahon's goal was technically Bain's as it deflected off him - so his strike rate is pretty good already! (a goal a game:shock:)

I don't think i've felt such a bad atmosphere around Prenton Park in a long time, not as in the chanting which was actually pretty good as the fans got behind the team for most of the match. Just the general atmosphere around the club shop and general members off staff etc It was like there was a large shadow over everyone.

After the 3rd went in the atmosphere within the ground dropped as anti Barnes chants started as well as a few "lively" debates amongst some fans in the home end. The protest afterwards was marred by a few more of our fans arguing with each other - like something out of Life of Brian!

Unfortunately Barnes is clearly hopeless and not a manager. Whilst at the game I heard about how he behaves with the team off the pitch which I am appaled by. For instance he never talks to the players on the team coach and his reaction to the team meeting to discuss tactics was to ignore what was said and continue with his own ideas - what's the point in calling a meeting if your just going to ignore what's said?! He also doesn't sit with team or directors at dinner when their playing away from home, instead he sits by himself.

I think Barnes is clearly very arrogant, he doesn't acknowledge the players when he substitues them, he talks down to fans and seems to think he is bigger then the club.

I've heard rumours tonight that he has quit and there will be a statement tomorrow with Trigger taking over as caretaker manager (hopefully not permenantly though!). I hope this is true but I won't hold by breath [-o<

Barnes must go.