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EFL Cup Rovers (0) v Leicester (2)

Match result

  • Tranmere

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Draw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leicester

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Rovers (0) v Leicester (2)
Posted by Ian
Prenton Park
Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - 07:45 PM
Until: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - 10:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

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Super White!
21 Sep 2005
After another loss on Saturday, we take a welcome break from the league as we entertain The Foxes at Prenton Park in the EFL Cup R2. It's probably a given that Dawes will look to 'contain' the opposition something that didn't work out too well on Saturday. Apart from that, I have no idea what starting XI he'll go with but assuming LOC will still be missing as will Norris up front.

Leciester may opt to play some youngsters in what is probably going to be an easy win for them. They won 2-0 against Burton in the first round and lined up as follows:


I'm in two minds whether or not to go as I don't think it's going to be a contest but my heart will probably rule my head once again.
Last edited:


29 Jul 2009
Ian Muir
I think it will be a bit closer than some think, I'm going 3 1 to them. I would like us to play 4 4 2 for this game but doubt we will. I doubt any of the injured players will be back but hope that Hawkes gets a start and Dennis plays central


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
Like Ian I’m unsure whether to go but probably will. I suspect we’ll see a few changes with mcalear and perhaps hughes getting some minutes.


28 Feb 2018
Eddie Bishop
Skipping this one but wouldn't be surprised if we won it.
3 Apr 2007
As others have said, I would like to see a classic 4-4-2 and go back to basics.

Hawkes and Jennings or Morris wide, Dennis through the middle with Taylor. Hendry sat deep with Hughes or McAleer in the middle. I’d also give Yarney a go at centre back and rest Davies (he’s another crock waiting to happen!).

I would also give Mikey Davies a go at left back, why have a young full back in the squad and then play players out of position ahead of him?

Saying all this, I'm sure it will be the square pegs in round holes Dawes kamikaze tactical masterclass once again. Wouldn’t be surprised if Dennis was playing wing back.


2 Jun 2018
As others have said, I would like to see a classic 4-4-2 and go back to basics.

Hawkes and Jennings or Morris wide, Dennis through the middle with Taylor. Hendry sat deep with Hughes or McAleer in the middle. I’d also give Yarney a go at centre back and rest Davies (he’s another crock waiting to happen!).

I would also give Mikey Davies a go at left back, why have a young full back in the squad and then play players out of position ahead of him?

Saying all this, I'm sure it will be the square pegs in round holes Dawes kamikaze tactical masterclass once again. Wouldn’t be surprised if Dennis was playing wing back.
I was also wondering about Mikey Davies and how far he is off - must be miles to not even make the bench when our first choice LB is presumably injured even if only tactically. To me should at least be considered as Merrie could then shore up midfield. Playing Jolley on Saturday ahead of Hemmings and Taylor simply baffled me. Yes we might be trying to offload Hemmings but playing a half fit Jolley ahead of both him and Taylor was a bizarre decision and does Dawes no favours with his critics. To me whilst Norris isn't fit it is Dennis and Taylor or Dennis and Hemmings. Dawes will know on Hemmings situation not me and should decide accordingly.


26 Nov 2022
I was also wondering about Mikey Davies and how far he is off - must be miles to not even make the bench when our first choice LB is presumably injured even if only tactically. To me should at least be considered as Merrie could then shore up midfield. Playing Jolley on Saturday ahead of Hemmings and Taylor simply baffled me. Yes we might be trying to offload Hemmings but playing a half fit Jolley ahead of both him and Taylor was a bizarre decision and does Dawes no favours with his critics. To me whilst Norris isn't fit it is Dennis and Taylor or Dennis and Hemmings. Dawes will know on Hemmings situation not me and should decide accordingly.
Mellon was made a scapegoat, the real problem had already left. Hemmings is now the latest scapegoat, Dennis would not have scored many last year. The addition of Norris last season we can safely say now would have transformed a basically ten man outfit. Leake was scapegoated and the cover was switched over so Yarney got dragged after his exposure. The centre halves have the admirable but inadequate Hendry as sole cover. Six players are barely covering two jobs
Brian Little made some jaw dropping decisions, Dawes is quickly overtaking him.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Saying all this, I'm sure it will be the square pegs in round holes Dawes kamikaze tactical masterclass once again. Wouldn’t be surprised if Dennis was playing wing back.
Yes, Dennis is absolutely wasted at present. Get him back in his natural position. There won't be many changes from Saturday. If we sit back, it probably won't be pretty.
Hemmings is now the latest scapegoat
Come on, be honest, he just isn't that good anymore.


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
Not exactly comparable but can you imagine signing penalty box goal poachers like Aldo, Muir, Vaughan or Greenacre and playing them wide or as a number 10 As Dawes is doing with Dennis? It’s sheer madness
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Not exactly comparable but can you imagine signing penalty box goal poachers like Aldo, Muir, Vaughan or Greenacre and playing them wide or as a number 10 As Dawes is doing with Dennis? It’s sheer madness
These were the players we had out of position on Saturday.

Jolley as lone striker (very inexperienced, lacks physical strength and just returning from serious injury, yet burdened with the lone striker role against physical centre halves)
Yarney at right back (poor recruitment - no cover for O'Connor)
Merrie at left back (struggled badly and did no better than Leake, our specialist left back, in the previous game. Leake completely bombed out of the squad despite doing fine prior to Salford, which I am sure will do wonders for his confidence......)
Lewis as defensive midfielder (cumbersome, can't tackle cleanly and gives endless free kicks away - he was booked in the first half - can't pass and has no vision, so obviously ideally suited for a deep lying midfield role)
Dennis on the right of midfield (inexplicable, and a sacking offence in itself in my view. He has not been played as a centre forward once, in pre-season or during the season)

So 50% of the outfield players played out of position or in unsuitable roles, and neither Hawkes or Taylor even on the pitch in the first place.

An under-tens manager could offer more tactical nous.


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
A good summary RLC and that is why when people are saying 5 league games is too early to make a managerial change, it’s not just the results that fans are annoyed about. It’s the square pegs in round holes we’re seeing and the knock on impact on the likes of Turnbull, Davies and Morris who are all good league two players but look like they are lacking confidence and a shadow of their former selves.

I’m a big fan of Palios and what he’s done for the club but he badly got it wrong appointing Dawes in my opinion.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Also what is happening with the help and support he was going to be getting? Danns, Parky, Adkins? Surely they've had a word in his ear because there are some obvious failings in terms of tactics, team selection that cannot be ignored as RLC highlights above.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
A good summary RLC and that is why when people are saying 5 league games is too early to make a managerial change, it’s not just the results that fans are annoyed about. It’s the square pegs in round holes we’re seeing and the knock on impact on the likes of Turnbull, Davies and Morris who are all good league two players but look like they are lacking confidence and a shadow of their former selves.

I’m a big fan of Palios and what he’s done for the club but he badly got it wrong appointing Dawes in my opinion.
The concern for me is that the appointment of Dawes is just one of many curious decisions made by Palios in recent years. We have been on a gently downward trend since 2020 and perhaps that trajectory is going to get steeper now.

The club has a similar feel to the last years under PJ, with the appointment of Barnes, Parry etc. I don't think Palios really wants to be here and new ownership and a complete clear out at the club will probably be required for significant improvement.


26 Nov 2022
Yes, Dennis is absolutely wasted at present. Get him back in his natural position. There won't be many changes from Saturday. If we sit back, it probably won't be pretty.

Come on, be honest, he just isn't that good anymore.
Although Merrie's though ball was the exquisite bit Hemmings made the perfect lay off. Taylor fluffed his lines but he is young. I've watched Hemmings all last season he does little wrong. Unlike Nevitt and Saunders he isn't off balance every time he shoots. Rather like Dennis I suspect he won't ever head goals if there isn't a real target man as a decoy and won't score goals running on when he gets nothing put in front of him.
The way the team is shaping up won't be long before other perfectly capable players will be getting targeted as all around them falls to pieces. Last year Hemmings was the fall guy as we had nothing up front to retain possession. We've really progressed this time and are exposing the entire defence mercilessly with no tangible attacking gains.
Having brought Hawkes covering game on no end, he is benched and a flank left completely open. I'm expecting a near double figure against account this week!


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Firstly the match itself. The side Leicester put out in the last round as posted by Ian earlier on this thread contains some decent players; Iheanacho was on Man City’s books and on his day capable of being a real handful. Dawes should field the strongest side that he can from those fully fit and mentally in the right place.

I think the signing of Norris was a reasonable one to make. He’s not had a history of injury even if the one he now has might be career threatening. Arguably, to take one example, Micky signing the injury-prone Brad Walker on a 30 month deal was a worse call.

While I wasn’t convinced by Brian Little, surprised DB singles him out as a rival for jaw dropping decisions. I’d have kept Loran and the tactics for the play-off first leg were dubious, but compared to Adams or Jackson…? While the number of players Dawes played out of position is extreme, other managers have done to a lesser extent, going back in my memory to Gary Bennett on the wing under Kingy.

I’ve only seen Leake once and then, there wasn’t an issue with his defending, but things went badly wrong in the Salford game, though not all his fault. Without knowing his mental state after that game, can’t judge whether it was the right call to leave him out at Notts. Just as big a risk having no genuine left-back cover, as the lack of cover for O’Connor on the right. Leake may prove to be a decent signing but to me his lack of league experience makes what we’re doing on the left side of defence more of a gamble.

Ian makes a highly relevant point about the extent of input from others who are meant to be helping Dawes. Is Atkins purely a figure-head, or his advice being ignored by Dawes? It would be interesting to know…


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
As Ian and Boz suggest I too wondered about the amount of coaching staff and how it would all work. You’ve got Dawes, Parky, Danns, Adkins, Murphy and even the fitness coach Hodgson who I suspect is more than just a fitness guy.

Too many cooks possibly or perhaps Palios thought it’ll mean if he sacks Dawes we won’t need to bring in a replacement as Danns would take over. I still don’t think Adkins fancies the job full time but could be wrong
3 Apr 2007
I think too many cooks is a significant part of the problem. It’s also an issue if a new manager comes in with their own staff, we’ll end up with more coaches than players/an expensive severance bill!
2 May 2021
Ged Brennan, Big Steve McNulty,
Mickey Mellon, Johnny King.
There are only a couple more within the first team coaching staff, but many other league two plus higher divisions have much larger football staff.
The last time the whole coaching staff went was pre palios days. MM only brought Jacko with him, then hodgy joined him later on. Nicko was goalie coach. Parky was youth, Shaun Garnett was international desk.. That was it.
Palios won't bring a new staff in, he hasn't before.!
Didn't RLC post about a prospective manager wanting to bring his own people in!