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Tranmere 2-0 Blackpool


'Midfield General'
25 Sep 2005
Get in!! Another win and up to 2nd until at least tomorrow... some tough games too for some teams around us tomorrow. Sounded like a good game and performance by the lads. It helped with Greenacre getting the early goal. Davies got a goal that his performance deserved. Goodison sounded quality and was probably man of the match... Ref didn't sound great and McLaren, Davies and Goodison getting bookings.


25 Sep 2005
Ian Goodison... who else!
E I E I E I O It's up the...

OK, I'll stop :wink:

=D> =D> =D>


22 Sep 2005
Ref was a complete muppet. We've said that a lot this season, but this guy was a prize plonker. But we won both despite and because of his efforts. I hope both managers rip it out of him in their match reports and that he gets struck off the list, because he's a disgrace to the few good referees that there are (somewhere) out there.

It was another cold November night, and our fans weren't at their most vocal, probably rubbing hands together or clutching at the pocket with the handwarmer in it, while the Blackpool away following was quite impressive and co-ordinated. They kept making noise even at a goal down which did them credit, not bad for a bunch of gypsies.

The game itself okay it had spells that weren't great, but their best efforts were tame and from long-range, Ward collecting no trouble; whereas our dynamic duo of Thompson and Shuker looked dead certs to put in dangerous balls from the right every time they got hold of it. Their midfielders worked damn hard, running around like nutters, their gameplan seemed to be to work at a high tempo and to beat men with clever movement and inter-passing. It worked well but they lacked any clinical end-product, and by midway through the second half they had run themselves out in the middle of the park, so McLaren and Mullin came into their own, and on one occasion so did Goodison! Their midfield were just too tired to go chasing after him and let him go on by.

Looking more at our perspective, Thompson played excellently and for me it was a contest between him and Davies for man of the match, then Davies appeared at the far post to whallop home the goal that put the game beyond doubt and also clinched my choice as MoTM. Nice to see Jackson again, and nice that the curse of the ex-player didn't rear its ugly head once more. Les Parry back in shorts, and three points under the floodlights on a Friday night. Spot on.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Yes, very important win for us that. Was pleased with the turnout too. Good atmosphere and overall, an excellent night at Prenton Park.

To be honest, we've played better. But then we've played better and lost on other occasions, so getting the three points was a relief.

Blackpool came into the game with a certain confidence. However, their football wasn't as polished as you may think. Even though they had a fair share of the ball, they did nothing constructive with it.

Many times the final ball was wasted. Their finishing was poor often taking shots from 20 yards out and their keeper was very suspect. Couldn't keep hold of the ball, which ultimately cost him as it was his fumble which let Davies in for the second.

We played good tonight. Not great, but good enough. I thought the defence was solid enough. All 4 at the back had great games and looked comfortable throughout the night.

I thought the midfield were a little distant giving Blackpool a fair share of the ball in the middle of the park. Taylor led the line well, and Greenacre never stopped chasing the balls as we've all come to expect now.

It was such a relief to get the second goal and delighted it was Davies who seems to have imposed himself more over the last few games. I think he's been told to shoot on sight which isn't a bad thing. He was far too quiet in previous games.

The three points puts the pressure on Forest and means we can relax and watch the results flooding in tomorrow afternoon.

Well done to the white boys tonight =D>
30 Sep 2005
Nice post NBDH.=D>

Five on the spin, lets hope it continues.Great to hear Davies scored and Greeny is scoring regularly. Did Jacko foul up for our first?

white life

white for life
20 Feb 2006
John Achterberg, Craig Curran and Anthony Kay
yeah but it wasn't just jacko. two defenders and the keeper messed it up. early goal kind of killed them off, its stupid to say it really but i can't help wondering that if we didn't get that goal would it of been the same. back four was immense tonight, hardly putting a foot wrong and they needed to be because keigan parker is quick enough to get behind defenders. thought mclaren seemed a bit disinterested in the first half but that might of been because he got booked so early on by a joke of a ref. think blackpool must have been told to try and keep shukes out of the game because for me he didn't seem to be as threatening as in other games. i know ronnie says he sees davies as a striker but i'd rather see him on the left wing week in week out than see ellison there. thought taylor lead the line well and greenacre scored so i can't have a go at him even if i wanted too. 3 points and we keep the pressure on the teams around us. come on the whites!


2 Oct 2005
i know ronnie says he sees davies as a striker but i'd rather see him on the left wing week in week out than see ellison there.


Really hope Davies keeps his place over Ellison (who is utter rubbish). Striker or Not, he does a better job on the left. I have this horrible feeling Ellison will walk straight back into the side though! :cry:

Great night last night, thoroughly enjoyed it. Goodison was outstanding again. Referee appalling.

Shuker nice and unselfish for once, good to see and the more he works on that, the better he will become.


22 Sep 2005
Was told today that Blackpool had no keeper on the bench. Which makes you see the whole handling the ball outside the area (for which we got a free kick, yet he didn't get a booking) in a whole new light. The game could have been a whole lot easier had that decision gone differently.


An important win against a side that were high on confidence. The referee was a complete joke and caused a great deal of frustration for both sets of supporters. Can anyone explain why their keeper stayed on the pitch if he handballed it outside of the box, I thought the letter of the law says he is sent off if this happens.
Anyway a solid performance if not a pretty one, and how funny was that incident toward the end of the game were their full back leathered the ball from an impossible angle back toward his own goal creating a right old scramble in their penalty area!
Bring on Peterborough!=D>