• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

Tranmere 0-2 Swansea


'Midfield General'
25 Sep 2005
Very disappointing! Especially as they had 10 men for 30 minutes. Like I said this week we are still in it after losing but need to get back on track against Vale. If we won games like this then we'd attract more fans. Probably the most home fans we've had there for a while even though it wasn't as many as we'd hoped for and we lost. Those few extra fans won't come back for ages now. Some good results for us as teams underneath us apart from Swansea obviously didn't take advantage.
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
Agreed, really disappointing. We were all over the place in the first half, hardly put a single move together. Second half got better, but even against 10 men there was little fluency. The wide men gave us nothing, in fact the whole midfield was off colour.

A word fabout Greenacre - worked himself to a standstill, even chasing back and marking and clearing. A pity he didn't get a chance to do what he's best at, but with so little creativity, he hardly got a sniff of a chance.

Ho hum.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
We were awful quite simply. The players just didn't turn up. Swansea were OK, and had we played half decent could have made a game out of it.

The chance to go a few points clear of 7th place and we blew it. I don't know what else to say..
22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
Appalling would be a good way of summing up. We were rubbish first half, the defending for the first goal was atrocious. The passing very poor and second to every 50-50. Swansea are a dirty side, not a good side imo and the ref didn't take control of their tactics. How their keeper failed to get a booking for his blatent time-wasting for the entire match was a joke, yet a foul from our players were greeted with immediate booking. Refs, like the football in this division, is absolutely rubbish! We really need to get the hell out of this league cos it's getting me down, and with the fans who stay away it seems its getting them down too.


We were absolutely rubbish today!

If Ronnie wants to get more fans in then give us some quality football to watch. As a previous poster said Greenacre was probably are best player today. But a bit of credit goes to Swansea who weren't a bad team by any means and personally I think they wanted to win it more than us.

Surely it isn't me but does anybody else think Calvin Zola is absolutely crap! He didn't play well again today!

To end too, did anybody else see all the "wannabe hooligans" on Borough Road, it was an absolute joke!

Hopefully we can get a good result against Port Vale next week to keep our promotion place going. :wink:
22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
Surely it isn't me but does anybody else think Calvin Zola is absolutely crap! He didn't play well again today!

No, you're certainly not the only one! He can ruffle the feathers of opponents with his awkwardness but thats about it. I really don't see what Ronnie and Little see in him, making out he's gonna be a world beater. How many goals... 10 in nearly 3 years!

Hopefully we can get a good result against Port Vale next week to keep our promotion place going. :wink:

Vale got 5 today away from home, if we play like we did today we'll get battered, even by Port Vale. And our away form, considering we've been in the top 6 for most of the season, is dreadful! Shows how poor this league is.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Agree with the other posters. I feel really down in the dumps after this showing. #-o

Their 1st goal developed from a failure by the midfield to put in a tackle, think McLaren was the offending player. Cross came in and Andy Robinson,who was one of the shortest players on the pitch outjumped our defence to give Swansea the lead. 2nd goal came from a breakaway and clinically finished by Trundle. Even when he got himself sent off, we never got back into it and it was about 80 minutes before we had an effort that really tested their keeper.

Aside from Greenacre & Shuker, nobody really came out of the game with any credit. Especially poor were Ward(can Ben Hinchcliffe be any worse?) and Taylor.

Also contrast the two managers, Martinez animated on the touchline, even in the last minute, while Ronnie looked as though he'd rather be elsewhere. Bit puzzled about the subs. Shane was no worse than anybody else and fitter than Goodison/Stockdale, if we were going 3 at the back. Steve Davies introduced too late and might have been more effective as a striker than replacing Ellison who was having a fair game by his standards.

Finally Swansea had about 3 or 4 regulars missing whereas we put out what RM probably considers his strongest team. Play-offs? Afraid not.
5 Oct 2006
Liam Palmer
OK, I was being a bit timid with my last posting but reading what everyone else has written, it's time to wade in. The were all stinkin' rotten today. Did something I've only done once in 32 years of watching professional football: I left early. I felt cheated by the likes of Taylor, who looked like he simply couldn't be bothered. I don't want to single him out though, they were, apart from Greenacre, pure pish. I don't agree about Shuker. A waste of space today. When he's bad he gives you nothing. Ellison has no confidence - crept inside, didn't want to take responsibility and stay out wide and look for the ball. It was summed up for me when Davies replaced him, took the ball off Ward and ran 70 yards down the flank unchallenged.

We need a few younger, more energetic players to lift the team. It's so stale and predictable.

If we carry on like this, the crowd at the Brentford game will be around 4000. It's all they deserve really, on that showing.

Still, I'll keep cheering them on until the final nail is in the coffin. And well done to the Kop for trying to lift the lid on the coffin today. You deserved better than that.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
First off all Tartantranmere, get rid of that sig! :wink: Only kidding.
I think it's fair to say we were all pissed off with that performance yesterday. I left early, something I've not done for many a year. I just felt let down by the side.

Had the usual build up, pre match talk. Ronnie saying how fired up the players were etc etc.. What a load of rubbish.

What slightly concerns me also was Ronnie going on about the players he has on the bench. I was listening to Merseyside on the way to the game and he was talking about the competition for places up front. He mentioned that Greenacre and Taylor can't become to complacent because of the likes of Zola who could get a hattrick at any time (he actually said that!) and Davies fighting for places. Davies! He's rubbish.. That concerns me greatly. Think Ronnie must have been on the funny juice the night before.

I'm really expecting someone to come on here and stick up for them last night, because there's always someone unwilling to take off their rose tinted specs... No show so far, maybe its because there are no excuses. It was simply rubbish.

I was also disappointed with the crowd. No Liverpool or Everton, and the att was just under 7500. That just shows you that people aren't willing to come to the games and watch the football on display, and the ones that did wont be coming again... #-o

Now that we've lost at home, it's imperative that we win at Port Vale.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
they were, apart from Greenacre, pure pish. I don't agree about Shuker. A waste of space today. When he's bad he gives you nothing. Ellison has no confidence - crept inside, didn't want to take responsibility and stay out wide and look for the ball. It was summed up for me when Davies replaced him, took the ball off Ward and ran 70 yards down the flank unchallenged.

We need a few younger, more energetic players to lift the team. It's so stale and predictable.

Briefly, some people would criticise Greenacre, because he didn't do what he was primarily on the pitch for namely score. I'd disagree, but for the same reason think you're being hard on Shuker, who kept going all game and put some decent balls in. Not his fault that Taylor couldn't be arsed to jump for them.

Next, Ellison. He's deservedly got some flak this season, but in the 1st half, when he was on my side of the pitch was quick to close down their players and there were some decent crosses in. He got the Swansea full-back booked for a clumsy challenge and some praise on the Swans Jack Army site as one of our more threatening players. There might have been a case for him and Shuker swapping wings, to test out the lad on a yellow card. The weakness with Davies is that he's not a genuine winger, didn't get a cross past the first man in the time he was on.

Finally youngsters. I agree. However, it seems that Ronnie doesn't like them. Our most promising youngster, Mike Jones, is exiled to Shrewsbury for the rest of the season at least.


Thought Stockdale was shockin, plays like a school boy kid just blastin the ball anywhere, him n Shukes dont work well together at all. Thought the turn out was expected only problem was the voice, crowd was silent as ever, especially from the usuals in the main & johnny king stand, hate the fact we've got a majority crowd of half assed fans especially within a game that mattered so much.

Cant understand why people put Zola down, he's a very lively player who in most matches comes on and changes the game, for example in the swansea game he was winning tackles an laying off passes ALONG THE FLOOR which is a rare sight at prenton park over the past seasons. If anyone needs to be slated its Taylor, just no inspiration, and Shukes fustrates me sometimes he had 2 chances in that swansea game to possible score but he's passed instead of shooting its almost as if he hasnt got any bottle.

Looks like any chances of Tranmere getting to a Wembley play-off final are as thin as Stubs chances of getting to the final of Fame Academy :-D ..sorry


'Midfield General'
25 Sep 2005
I too can't see why everyone has to put Zola down. I mean its not like he has been given a long run in the team is it. Lets wait and see what he's like when he has had a run of 10 full games before we put him down. Still angry about Saturday but we have to hope the players are too and they use that to good effect at Vale on Saturday.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
I feel this may need a seperate thread, but I also think Zola gets more than a rough time. I think it's fair to say he'll never be a 20-goal a season player but I think he has more to offer on the floor. In fact, he's probably not suited to Tranmere's style of play because he does like to play quite direct and too feet. I think his shot is fairly weak and I don't think he's a great finisher, but look at Taylor.

Taylor has played 35 games and scored 9 goals. I'd be confident Zola would get around that had he have played the same amount of minutes as Taylor. I think his control is decent for such a tall player and actually holds onto the ball very well.

However I don't ever think he'll be given a decent chance at Tranmere. His game may be best suited else where.

One of his major drawbacks is his proneness to injury.


2 Oct 2005
Give me Zola up front in place of old man Taylor any day! Zola would have more than 9 in 35 if he'd been given the chance, I have no doubt.

Every time Zola has come on he has changed the game for the better and I've been sat there stamping my feet thinking he should have been on about 45 minutes earlier!

Still, the game was a big disappointment all round, Stockdale was the worst of a bad bunch I thought. Greenacre didn't get the supply he deserved so applied himself well to doing some great defensive work. Erm, I can't think of anything more positive than that.