• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

Stockport 1 Rovers NIL

22 Sep 2005
Johnny Morrissey
This may be heat of the moment but I'm fuming after watching a load of tripe tonight at Stockport. Stockport, lets get it right, are a division below us and we sank to their level, which was by the way, pretty poor.

The passing was in general poor, apart from Stevie J who again had a decent game. A lack of commitment from certain individuals, they should know who they are. People who can't trap a football in acres of space dotted around our team.

And as for Ronnie, yet again leaves it way too late to change it. Shukes was having a decent time down the wing, blameless as he didnt get enough of the ball due to some horrific passing by the aforementioned "individuals". So of course Ronnie took him off, and brought on Curran. Lets have a go at the back four then with his pace? No, not a chance, stick him in exactly the same situation Shukes was in and hope for the best. No really passes to him, and the lad is a striker and HAS ability! Don't waste it out wide Moore!

Yes, we hit the post, yes we hit a few shots close and just wide/over. But we were poor apart from those fleeting examples of good play. And whats more, they had 1 shot on goal the entire game... and scored! Right through Danny's hands. What can I say?

I'll leave it there cos you lot don't wanna hear more ranting I'm sure! Just really gutted and disappointed that yet again we're out of the cup at the first hurdle, in a game we should have won 3-0 even playing as poor as we did.

Nite nite.
30 Sep 2005
"Danny has not made a save again, and we have lost a game again."

Perhaps he should have made a save. I was not there [tonight] but Leeds' second on Saturday I am sure was similar to tonight's with respect to Coyne dissappointing.

The League Cup is now ot of the way so we must concentrate on the League now and we must get results. there is plentry of time left and I am confident that we will sort something out.


23 Sep 2005
our 1st team loose to a team in the league below us. Doesnt this suggest this is how good we are.

Not at all happy


Truely shocking game tonight. Both teams were very poor and didn't really look interested in winning really.

Again it all goes wrong in the second half, why do we almost always come out poor in the second half.

Three points against Gillingham on saturday will be a real confidence boost, but were going to need to play alot better than we did tonight to get it though.
3 Apr 2007
What a dismal, shocking, pathetic performance. Only Jennings can come out with any praise for that performance. The first half was awful, yes we kept Stockport in their own half. But that was only due to the fact that we barraged them with hopeless long balls. They were never really troubled tonight except when Davies hit the post. Zola's finishing was diabolical, he has this uncanny ability to miss from every concieveable angle. And that was only the first half.](*,)

In the second half we came out with a bit of pace and spirit for the first five minutes, but after that is was the usual Moore Tranmere - not been able to play for more than one half. There are countless numbers of games where we have done this under Moore, so unless this changes I wouldnt start looking for directions to championship clubs soon, I would start remebering the way to stockport as thats where were heading if they things dont improve. #-o

The second half slowly progressed with Tranmere slowly retreating towards their own penalty area and looking increaseingly desperate and lacking ideas. Then to add to all of this Moore takes off the one creative spark in Shuker and brings on Curran and puts him a right midfield! Surely he realises that forwards need players to create chances for them to score goals and that simply throwing strikers on in random positions just means your team loses shape and doesnt create anything. It showed when our playmaker became Stockdale, yes you read correctly Stockdale. The stockport goal came after a Tranmere break and amidst the defecinsive chaos that is Tranmere, Matty McNeil scored to put Stockport ahead. So Ronnie Moore in his tactical wisdom brought on a true great, a player who can turn the game in a flash, a player with an incredible goal scoring record and a true fans favourite - Gareth Taylor. That about sums it up really. After that we had one chance from a Stockdale cross, where Zola, in typical dismal fashion, headed over from two yards ending any chance of a Rovers fightback.:cry:

In his post match reaction Moore says "We did everything but score".:shock: Yes Ronnie thats what 1-0 means - they scored, you didnt. if you dont score you dont win matches - surely even he realises that.

I know its only the second game of the season, but the problems from last season are still there and some are worse. The team is unorganised, lacks flair, cant score goals, cant defend set pieces, cant play for 90 minutes and cant string a few decent passes together. On top of all this is a manager who couldnt manage a pub team and quite frankly how the fans put it at Stockport - doesnt know what hes doing.

Finally I ask this, What happened to the 'attractive wing play' Ronnie Moore promised when he became manager?


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Myself and nomur were listening in the chat room. Christ, what an awful game that sounded. From the comments here, it's sounded worse than it did on the radio and that was bad enough!

Apparantly, Chorley had a good game at the back. Is this true?

Zero points in the league and dumped out of the cup by a 2nd division team. Not the greatest start, but it can only get better that's for sure.

I also agree with a lot that roverstillidie says. Even the bit about Zola, sadly.. :oops:

Ronnie's post match comments are starting to grate on me too. Why can't he just come out and say it was crap. Yes, we were crap, not good enough, needs improvement etc etc..

The players will actual start to believe they are playing well otherwise!
3 Apr 2007
Apparantly, Chorley had a good game at the back. Is this true?

Ronnie's post match comments are starting to grate on me too. Why can't he just come out and say it was crap. Yes, we were crap, not good enough, needs improvement etc etc..

Chorley had a decent game, better than the Leeds match but he was still too quiet and didnt get stuck in enough. Goodison was better than him.

Just been to see Huddersfield reserves v Tranmere reserves and Kay looked much better than Chorley - powerful, gets stuck in, wins headers, and can pass the ball too. Ahmed and Jones both had good games too - whereas Taylor was grade A Sh*te. He was the worst player on the pitch even in the reserves!

Moore's comments are getting on my nerves too all he does state the obvious like 'We did everything but score' - yes and thats why we lost duur. He seems to not be able to accept that in the last two games apart from a 20 minute spell against Leeds we have been crap. Then he comes out with comments like 'we were mugged' - no we werent, we just didnt play well or score enough goals.

Perhaps this is what Moore belives is good football? - Hoof it and run. And thats why he doesnt suggest improvements like you say etc.
3 Apr 2007
"Danny has not made a save again, and we have lost a game again."

Perhaps he should have made a save. I was not there [tonight] but Leeds' second on Saturday I am sure was similar to tonight's with respect to Coyne dissappointing.

The League Cup is now ot of the way so we must concentrate on the League now and we must get results. there is plentry of time left and I am confident that we will sort something out.

lol, so far this season there have been 3 shots on target against us this season and they have all gone in!


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
The defending needs sorting out. Then again, so does the attacking!
19 Jun 2007
Last night was shamefull zola was sh*t again.Why took shukes off i dont no.Ronnie thinks we was good at the back!!IS HE OFF HIS HEAD??????


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
I just think the mentality of the players is all wrong, and this I'm afraid stems down to the manager. Individually, there are good players and sometimes it's easy to pass the buck saying the players didn't perform or whatever excuse you come out with but the fact that the players only play for 45 minutes needs to be addressed ASAP. It's causing big problems out there, we saw it a lot last season.

I don't want to start getting all negative already after only 2 games, but there are issues in those games that cannot be ignored.


22 Sep 2005
Just been to see Huddersfield reserves v Tranmere reserves and Kay looked much better than Chorley - powerful, gets stuck in, wins headers, and can pass the ball too.
Kay looked awesome in pre-season, I think I wrote that he looked like the best centre back of the four by a country mile.

The defending needs sorting out. Then again, so does the attacking!
Ronnie's picked the same centre back pairing for the first two games. Both games we've gone on to lose the match instead of winning. Both games we've let in goals due to complacency or misunderstanding in defence. It does scream out for a re-think, or a swift boot up the backside.

And yes the attacking isn't beyond fault either. After all there would a lot less pressure on the failing defense if everytime we went up the pitch we'd score. As it is every bungled attempt, every screw up in attack leads to pressure swiftly turning back on us, on our defense.

dont forget the midfield and the manager!
I'm full of praise for our midfield. McLaren's been on the anonymous side of okay, but not done anything shockingly bad. Jennings, Shuker and Davies have all performed well.

I think I'm on Ronnie's wavelength, or vice versa, as it happens - because after the leeds game he said that we feel like we've been mugged and that was precisely how I felt. He's Tranmere through and through and he can do what he likes for all I care. And yes maybe he should say we're cr*p if we are, I'd forgive him.
3 Apr 2007
I agree that the midfield hasnt been terrible, apart from Davies they have all put in the descent performances at one time or another. My problem is after about 60 mins Mclaren seems to disappear, and once he goes the midfield falls apart. I also think that when we are defending the midfield lies far too deep and doesnt pick up any of the runners from the midfield so we end up with a back 8 been completely barraged becasue there too deep. I think Ahmed should be playing alongside Mclaren as he looked like a quality player in the reserves match, despite Jennings good performances, however I would make sure Jennings came on at about 60 mins in each match just to freshen the midfield up as they all seem to get quite tired as thats when we start to lose our grip on the match, every game.