• Nigel Adkins has been given the Tranmere job on a permanent basis signing until the end of the 25/26 season. Continue the discussion here.

Q&A Thursday


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Mal, you can't have been to many games if you think we still have a chance this season. The next 10 games will bring exactly what the last 10 games brought. There's no improvement however I do like your optimism and positivity. It's all but drained from me.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Just back from the Q&A / kit presentation, which turned out to be far more interesting and illuminating than I thought it would be. In the event, there was a lengthy question and answer session with MP which went on for nearly three hours. A lot of ground was covered and I will probably only remember a lot of the detail in the next day or two, but some key points came across:

Palios, initially at least, seemed defensive, stressed, even aggressive at times, which is proabably understandable given the events of the last few weeks. I got the impression the strain of the job is taking its toll, with constant criticism on social media, probably exacerbated by the Mangan affair. He constantly referenced the Cowsheds forum and the vitriol on that site, at one point challenging anybody who posts on the site 'to stand up and be counted' which did not encourage critical comments form the audience. His tone became slightly more emollient as the evening progressed and attendees did feel able to ask critical questions, helped by Dave from the Cowsheds site emphasising that for all the negativity and abuse on social media, a broad cross section of supporters have legitimate concerns about events on the pitch and criticism of the team's performance should not be interpreted as personal abuse directed at MP.

Regarding the manager's position, MP stated that he is extremely disappointed with our performance this season, but argued there is little that can be done about it in the short term without creating instability at the club. When pressed on whether the manager's position is safe now, or in the summer if we finish in mid-table, he replied that the GB's position is constantly being assessed but any change would only happen if it would result in a long term improvement. MP's broad argument was that instability and constant managerial and player changes have been a major factor in the club's recent failures and standing by Brabin, even if he is underperforming, is necessary if it benefits the club in the long term. He asked supporters to 'grit their teeth' and see this season out, in the knowledge that a period of stability will benefit us in the long term. He seemed to suggest that if Brabin was fired there is nobody available at present who would be better in the medium term, so we must ride the season out.

In terms of instability and short-term thinking, particularly with regard to player recruitment, he cited the example of Butler's 'crazy' decision to sell Ryan Lowe for £50,000 (which no doubt contributed to Jeremy's departure).

The Mangan departure was discussed. MP stated that the decision to sell him was between the manager and the player and, while he takes an interest in first team affairs, if he interferes too greatly in GB's squad decisions the manager will no longer be accountable. His only alternative to letting Mangan go would be to sack the manager, and as he does not want to do this he must accept the manager's decision.

At one point in proceedings Palios asked 'why did I come here ?', apparently in jest but I think the rhetorical question revealed the strain he is currently under.

In general, I came away from the meeting satisfied that I at least understood Palios's logic in sticking with Brabin, even if I don't agree with it in purely footballing terms. I am sure that MP is deeply disappointed with the way Brabin is performed, but does not feel able to do much about in the short term without creating future problems for himself (player turnover, short term contracts etc.). Hence, he continues to back Brabin in the hope we take the final play-off place, which he still believes is achievable although a 'big ask'. Time and again Palios referred to the strength of the squad we have and his belief that we have better players than the majority of the opposition, which does not reflect too well on Brabin's performance.

A couple of further points: Palios said his biggest disappointment this season is our home form, which he admits could lead to falling season ticket sales next season.

He also stated that while it is impossible to quantify the budgets of all clubs in the division, we are definitely in the top quarter and have a budget that is 'right up there'.


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
That's excellent, thanks RLC. I'd say GB has two seasons to get things right.


30 Sep 2005
Iain Hume
Thanks for the report RLC.

I feel sorry for the Palioi, the club was in a worse position finacially than they expected when taking over and a lot of positive steps have been made to turn that around. They've been unlucky with managers; Edwards might have done better had he accepted the assistance of a mentor, while Adams seriously under-performed. Brabin however is failing with both the standard expected for a side with a top quarter budget and to deliver the promised attacking football. There just doesn't seem to be any game plan, while many of his remarks are consistent with a small club mentality, bigging up our opponents. I don't think making the last play-off spot is at all likely. While we may have better players than other sides, there is still a lack of balance in the squad compared to our opponents. If GB is to be given the two years Ian suggests, he needs to show more nous than hitherto.

Were any clues given to the key club business the manager was on that made him unable to attend the meeting?
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Were any clues given to the key club business the manager was on that made him unable to attend the meeting?

MP stated that it was never intended that Brabin would attend the meeting, and that the manager should only address the supporters at the end of the season. He said poor communication with the SC had led to a misunderstanding regarding the nature of the event. I am not sure I believe this, but I don't think there was much else he could say. I would guess he advised Brabin not to attend to avoid a bloodbath.

In the event, it was better that Brabin was not there as Palios was more honest about him than he would have been if he was stood next to him.

Regarding the kits, SC members who did not attend tonight can vote on the kit before the next home game. The presentation by the new Operating Officer was impressive, as is the Platinum Suite (first time I had been in).
1 Oct 2005
Alan King, Barry Dyson
Thanks a lot, RLC, for a comprehensive report. I think you have read the politics well. MP has to back GB or sack him; there's no half measures. He realises the high financial risks of ending his contract early without any guarantee of enough improvement to reach the play-offs this season. So he has to give him public support, whilst acknowledging the supporters' frustration. While GB is not the most popular man on the Wirral at the moment, we should all appreciate how difficult being a football manager must be. How many of us allow thousands of people to watch us work and give us an appraisal every week? It must be great when your team is on the up, but when results are disappointing, you will have few friends. Not the supporters, not the players on the bench and probably even not many of the team. So you have to rely on your coaching team and above all your chairman to encourage you and lift your spirits. It's not a job I'd want for twice what GB is being paid.

Getting back to the meeting, it's reassuring to see that the Palioses themselves received little or no flak and that they are still committed to the club. You have to acknowledge that MP needed a lot of balls to hold the meeting and even more to give such frank and honest answers. It never happened under PJ and I don't think it happens much at other clubs. What MP said makes absolute sense. Although I'm bitterly disappointed with results this season and think it's unlikely we'll even make the playoffs, I fully support MP's decision to stick by his manager - at least for the present.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
In fairness, I came out of the meeting with a lot of sympathy for the owners, but very little for Brabin, who I think is letting MP and the supporters down badly.


See my comment on the match thread, Ian. I still think things can turn around. Unfortunately, i cannot influence brabin as i would drop jennings based on what i have seen so far this season.


Actually, there was a comment on a Barrow fan site that said tranmere supporters were calling for Brabin's head at 89 mins and cheering him at 95. Anyone on here go snd care to comment on that apparent fickle behaviour?


8 Sep 2009
Chris Greenacre
Not a real surprise. When it was 1-3 i still thought GB should go. As exciting as the win must have been it's only one game and I'm still far from convinced GB is the right man. I suspect at full time there were chants of SWA etc but very much doubt there was anything like 'GBs Barmy Army' or something specifically supporting GB. Maybe I'm wrong though as I wasn't there.

He still needs to do a lot to convince the SWA.
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
Actually, there was a comment on a Barrow fan site that said tranmere supporters were calling for Brabin's head at 89 mins and cheering him at 95. Anyone on here go snd care to comment on that apparent fickle behaviour?

If you want to criticise the 200 Tranmere supporters who were still inside Holker Street with us 3-1 down against an appalling Barrow side, you are going after the wrong people I am afraid. None of those fans are 'fickle', they are some of the best supporters the club has got.

I take it I will see you at Torquay and Eastleigh ?

And the chants of 'One Gary Brabin' were sarcastic.

Credit to the players for the fantastic spirit they showed today, but as Sparky says, the criticism of Brabin remains valid and one swallow does not make a summer.


RLC I think you are being far too sensitive. I was one of those not having a dig at the manager at places like Welling and Braintree. I just couldn't make Barrow..... And I said 'apparent'
15 Mar 2010
Jason Koumas / John Morrissey
John King
RLC I think you are being far too sensitive. I was one of those not having a dig at the manager at places like Welling and Braintree. I just couldn't make Barrow.....

Welling and Braintree were three or four weeks into the season though weren't they, not six months ? The frustration from supporters comes from seeing inadequate performances month after month.

Many of those supporters who criticise the present manager have the club's interests at heart, as much as you or anybody else. They are entitled to their opinion and entitled to express it at the close of a game, regardless of today's exceptional circumstances.

And Welling and Braintree are much closer to you than they are to me, or most of the fans at Barrow today (who will also be at Eastleigh and Torquay).


Super White!
21 Sep 2005
Football is an incredibly fickle game and most of the time you are only as good as your last game.